The New Pin is a Red Dodgeball. It is located at the Stage, on the wall under the Right Balcony.
The Snow and Sports Catalogue is in the Sports Shop. To get there use your Map to go to the Ski Village.
Here are the hidden items in the August ‘08 Snow and Sports Catalogue.
1. Orange Football Helmet:
Go to the 5th Page of the Catalogue, then click on the Left Pom-Pom.
Now you can buy the Orange Football Helmet.
2. Silver Surfboard:
Click on the Penguin’s Surfboard.
Next click on the Shell and then Starfish.
Now you can buy the Silver Surfboard.
Here are where the Hidden Stone Igloos are in this Months Igloo Upgrades.
1. Secret Stone Igloo:
Go to the 4th Page of the Igloo Upgrades Catalogue. Then click on the Silver Crowbar.
2. Secret Deluxe Stone Igloo:
Go to the 15th Page of the Igloo Upgrades Catalogue. Then click on the door of the Deluxe Snow Igloo.